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Wrestler Name: A.J.Styles

Updated -   7/26/2004

Real Name - Allen Jones

Quote - "The Phenomenol"

Aliases -

Birthday - June 2, 1978

Height - 5"10

Weight - 202

Home Town - Gainesville,GA

Finishing Move - Styles clash


Organizations - NWA-TNA

Title History - NWA-TNA Tag Champion , NWA-TNA X Champion , NWA TNA World Champion


Wrestler Bio - "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles began his road to superstardom at the inception of TNA in 2002 as the first-ever X Division Champion. After becoming a pioneering force in the high-flying division, Styles became a main player in the NWA Championship picture. Styles made history in 2003 by eventually winning the gold, beating Jeff Jarrett and Raven to earn the title. Still in his early 20s, he is certainly bound for a long and successful career in wrestling!

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