The passion
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best jeff site

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Every wrestler has it. Seriously everyone who gets in the ring gets in there because its there job and they love it. If not then why are they in it? What makes people like Jeff get in that ring? What makes them risk there life in there? What makes them want ot jump off ladders onto tables. What makes the wrestler come out an entertain us? Simple its...
The Passion!


When we see Jeff get out into the ring he puts his body on the line to entertain us. He goes out there and fights through whatever pain he has to finish his match. When his music hits us Jeff Hardy fans stand up and scream and cheer for him. We watch him do his little dance run down to the ring and then wrestle. Jeff has a unique way to wrestle. He's jump around does a few punches does a swanton bomb and more. For those who mock Jeff and call him names think again about what your saying. I don't see you out there jumping of six foot ladders, landing on ramps tables or whatever. So remember think before you judge him or anyone else.


Losing the Passion?
While going online at I entered a chat for byte the friday of the Survivor Series weekend. I came in hearing my idol Jeff speaking. He said something about losing his passion! Now I MIGHT be wrong about this. But I also heard that this started mostly after his Ladder match against Undertaker (Which I must say was a GREAT match). Now What does this mean? Jeff not doing as good as he use too? No I won't except that! Jeff will always be my number one fave wrestler! He's inspiring in many ways. Well let's hope that Jeff won't lose the passion and will keep on entertaining us and doing his greatest.


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Jeff "air" Hardy